Bible Study Notes

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Creflo Dollar |

Fri 06 September

A Living Revelation of God vs. A Letter Written in Stone

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Creflo Dollar |

Mon 02 September

Law by Moses vs. Grace by Jesus

Believers know that there’s a difference between living and simply existing. Choosing to believe in Jesus Christ elevates us from a point where we simply exist to a state where we experience abundant life; believing is the condition for receiving eternal life. To receive Christ also means to receive God’s unmerited, undeserved favor and His truth. Life under the law was bleak and harsh; although life under grace is vastly better, the law is still needed to point people to Jesus. The beauty and power of grace is that it doesn’t operate according to what we do, but according to what Jesus already did, and our faith in it. This is in stark contrast to the law, which operated by man’s efforts. Depending on the Holy Spirit brings us from toiling under the law to receiving grace, with no self-effort.

Creflo Dollar |

Sun 01 September

The Worthy Walk

Believers are called to live life on a higher plane. God has declared us righteous because we have been born again. This position of righteousness and holiness is not something we could ever earn; it is a grace gift from Him that is permanent and independent from anything we do. God makes an appeal to us to display good conduct to match our status as members of His royal family by birth, which we received when we accepted His Son. It gives Him great joy to make all who believe His children for all eternity. Despite what the enemy tells us, we are not what we do, but who God says we are; holy, righteous, and redeemed. God made us who we are in Him because of His grace and mercy; all we need to do is accept our identity by faith.


Creflo Dollar |

Fri 30 August

How to Develop in Spiritual Maturity


To grow as Christians, we must not be afraid of trouble. Our level of maturity is not linked to how long we have been saved; rather going through situations is what matures us and makes us stronger. The process of maturing hinges on our willingness to let pressure mold and shape us to improve our character, our love, and our relationships. The purpose of tribulation is to authenticate our faith in Christ. To mature, it is essential to depend on God, not on ourselves, to make us more like Him. One sign that we are moving away from immaturity and toward selflessness is that we want to please God instead of ourselves. Trusting in the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out makes this possible.

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Creflo Dollar |

Wed 28 August

Don’t Be Afraid of Trouble

Trouble is guaranteed to show up in the life of a believer. However, we must never run from it because it’s one way God strengthens and matures us. He promises never to leave us in our situation; we can be confident that when something bad happens, God will always bring us good after it. Believing that He wants to run us over with His goodness allows Him to show us undeserved favor. Spiritual growth is the result of going through pressure; this type of development is God’s will for us. Just like Paul, we can expect trials and tribulations; God delivered him through every one of them, and He’ll deliver us as well. Realizing that adversity is how God prepares us for assignments gives us clarity on the “why” behind it.


Creflo Dollar |

Mon 26 August

How to Mature in Your Emotions


Life isn’t always easy; it’s to be expected that we’ll struggle with adversity from time to time. However, the believer always wins because our triumph is in the finished works of Jesus Christ. No matter what the situation looks like, we’ve already won because of what Jesus accomplished. He provides us with supernatural strength to overcome problems when they show up; therefore, whatever the devil throws at us will fail because we’re empowered to outlast the enemy. God’s love for us reassures us and gives us confidence that He’ll rescue and deliver us from whatever trouble we fall into.

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Taffi Dollar |

Fri 23 August

Make Room By Ending Blame

We all want God in our lives and want to experience His best; however, this is difficult if we’re constantly blaming others for things that happen to us. Blaming someone else and avoiding accountability for what we do is the easy way out of a situation. The “blame game” originated in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned and continues even today when we see others blaming God for tragedy and evil. We’ll be in good shape when we break the established pattern of blame and hold ourselves accountable for what we do.


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