Fri 23 August

Make Room By Ending Blame

We all want God in our lives and want to experience His best; however, this is difficult if we’re constantly blaming others for things that happen to us. Blaming someone else and avoiding accountability for what we do is the easy way out of a situation. The “blame game” originated in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned and continues even today when we see others blaming God for tragedy and evil. We’ll be in good shape when we break the established pattern of blame and hold ourselves accountable for what we do.



Bible Reading Plan

Get inspired with our weekly meditation scripture and nuggets, crafted to strengthen your faith, empower your journey with God, and provide a focused scripture for your meditation practice throughout the week. Apply these scriptures to your life, keep them in sight daily, declare them consistently, and witness transformative results.

World Changers Church International © 2025