Sun 03 March

Overcoming Approval Addiction


Addictions to anything are very dangerous and destructive. This includes being addicted to others’ approval. It is a huge mistake to determine our value and sense of self-worth by what other people think of us. The craving for others’ validation and the fear of rejection can destroy our mental health, cause us to focus on the wrong things, and actually derail God’s call on our lives. This kind of fear puts us in bondage to people. Living to please others, instead of God, steals our peace and our relationship with Him. By contrast, living for an audience of one—God— pleases Him, gives us eternal peace, and allows us to carry out His plan for us.

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Bible Reading Plan

Get inspired with our weekly meditation scripture and nuggets, crafted to strengthen your faith, empower your journey with God, and provide a focused scripture for your meditation practice throughout the week. Apply these scriptures to your life, keep them in sight daily, declare them consistently, and witness transformative results.

World Changers Church International © 2025