Mon 06 January
We all want to experience good things, but few of us know how to get them to show up in our lives. The world teaches its own way of getting what we want, which includes various strategies while leaving God’s grace out of the equation. Everything we need in life—such as peace, joy, healing, deliverance, and prosperity—was made available to us thousands of years ago when Jesus went to the cross. These are manifested when we have faith in what He did to allow us to receive them.
Seeing the physical results of what God promised us requires a proper balance of both grace, which is God’s part, and faith, which is our part. Grace isn’t just a concept or an idea; grace is a person, and His name is Jesus. God did His part when He sent us His Son, who is full of grace and truth. We do our part when we believe in Him.
There’s one extreme that thinks that grace has predestined every detail in life and everything that happens, good or bad, is therefore God’s will. The other extreme is thinking that our faith will get God to move on our behalf. The truth is that our faith won’t get God to move; He has already moved. He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness and blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places; it’s significant that this is in the past tense.
Religion tells us we must do something before we can get blessed, but skips over the finished works of Jesus Christ. The three words He said just before His death on the cross, “It is finished,” impact us tremendously. Whatever it is we’re praying for has already been done.
Receiving from God starts with our trust in Him. There’s no need to beg Him to do what He already did. We can experience His best for us right now.
Lord, Your Son died to give us access to all the good things in life that You want us to have. We don’t have to beg You for them, because they’re already available to us to receive by faith. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
John 1:14
2 Peter 1:3
Ephesians 1:3
John 19:30
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