Mon 05 August
Righteousness is something the world doesn’t understand. Most people think of it in terms of working hard to achieve self-righteousness, but that completely misses the mark. Grace is also often misunderstood because it doesn’t fit in with what religion teaches us about self-effort. The truth is that we’re made righteous simply by believing in the finished works of Jesus Christ.
Religion traps us in the mistaken notion that we need to add something to what Jesus did on the cross. This results in guilt and self-condemnation when we fall short of what we think is necessary to earn right-standing with God. Thankfully, the requirements for salvation have gone from “doing” to “believing.” During Jesus’ ministry, when the people asked Him how to do the works of God, Jesus simply said to believe in the one whom God had sent.
Under the Law of Moses, no faith was required, just constant effort to follow all the rules. Under grace, our performance isn’t needed anymore, only our belief. We have the opportunity to be led by the Holy Spirit, who affirms our righteousness by faith. If we’re led by the Spirit, we’re not under the law. He helps us to walk uprightly and not live a lifestyle of sin.
Grace isn’t a license to sin; when we submit to the influence of the Holy Spirit, who administers the covenant of grace, we won’t want to sin anymore. Sin is a non-issue with God, and should be a non-issue with us as well. Christ was offered once for all as a sacrifice for everyone’s sins. He’ll be back, not to deal with our sins again, but to bring salvation to everyone waiting eagerly for Him.
We can never sin away our righteousness, because it’s based on what Jesus did, not on what we do. No matter how many mistakes we make, we can’t ever undo what He did on the cross. Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. This is great news for everyone who believes it.
God, the world doesn’t understand how we’re made righteous by our faith in Christ; most people think they have to do something extra to deserve Your favor. What Your Son did for us is enough, and nothing else is needed. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
John 6:28, 29
Galatians 5:18
Hebrews 9:28, NLT
Romans 5:20
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