Mon 01 July

Knowing God’s Grace Firsthand

As human beings, happy relationships are critical to our emotional and mental health. We were created to be in relationship with each other, and as Christians, we must remember who we should be rooted in. If we don’t have a close friendship with Jesus Christ, first, nothing else in our lives will work. However, a relationship with Him is more than just working the mechanics of Christianity, but personally knowing the grace of God.

Without being attached to God, we’re just floating aimlessly through life. During His ministry, Jesus had to remind His disciples that He was the vine and they were the branches; without Him, they could do nothing. The world has a fuzzy, disconnected view of grace; grace isn’t just a concept, but a person—Jesus, full of grace and truth.   

Success on every level depends on totally immersing ourselves in a personal relationship with God. In Him, we live, and move, and have our being. Understanding the relationship Jesus has with God is critical; Jesus told the disciples that He and the Father were one. Therefore, accepting Jesus puts us on good terms with God.

We can’t do life on our own. The law was given to remind man of his need for God. In the Old Testament, the people were arrogant enough to declare that all that the Lord had spoken, they would do. They failed miserably because they depended on their self-efforts; now that we’re under grace, we need to rely on God even more.

A relationship with God puts us on solid footing; we can completely trust in His faithfulness. He will never, ever leave us helpless, forsake us, or let us down. No earthly relationship can guarantee that. Discovering the essence of Jesus through personally knowing Him enriches our lives like nothing or no one else can.


Lord, You concern Yourself with the relationships we make with others. Without a strong relationship with You, first, all other relationships will be shaky. Thank You for letting us get to know You through Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.


John 15:5

John 1:14

Acts 17:28

John 10:30

Exodus 19:8

Hebrews 13:5, AMPC

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