Mon 02 September
Christians have access to advantages the world has no knowledge of. One of those advantages is God’s unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor. In these last days, it’s important to vigilantly guard against false doctrines that challenge the grace of God. We can hear all kinds of messages, but some of what we hear won’t line up with the New-Testament truth.
Not everything that’s preached is grace-based. Regardless of how good a sermon sounds when it’s preached from the pulpit, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit to tell us what’s behind that message. Watered-down versions of the Gospel of Grace will lead us astray. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul expressed surprise and astonishment that the church turned renegade and deserted Him who called them by the grace of Christ.
Despite his past, Paul received abundant grace and forgiveness from God. Although Paul endured severe persecution because of the message he brought, he remained laser-focused on preaching grace, and nothing else. Nothing in the natural realm moved him; his main motivation was to further the ministry he had received from Jesus, to testify of the gospel of God’s grace.
There’s no genuine gospel other than the Gospel of Grace, yet some people can disturb and bewilder us with a different kind of teaching. Not every spirit is from God. It’s imperative to test the spirits, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. We must watch out for those who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what we’ve been taught.
We mustn’t let ourselves be sidetracked from what we know is the truth. Spiritual discernment helps keep us from being tripped up by any philosophy that contradicts the message of grace. By being alert and mindful of spiritual danger, we can walk in the blessings Jesus made available to us.
Lord, Your favor makes amazing benefits available to us. There’s always a danger that false doctrines will hold us back from receiving blessings, which is why You warn us not to fall prey to these wrong teachings. Thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to help us distinguish between worldly philosophy and Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Galatians 1:6, 7, AMPC
Acts 20:24
1 John 4:1, NKJV
Romans 16:17, NLT
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