Mon 14 October

God’s Covenant of Promise

Most Christians are simply doing the best they can and operating with the purest of intentions. However, they have no understanding of God’s promises in these last days, and therefore struggle because wrong religious teaching causes them needless pain and heartache. God deals with us through covenants; the knowledge of which covenant is in force gives us a tremendous advantage. Being aware that we’ve moved from the old-covenant Law of Moses to the new-covenant law of grace arms us with the ability to win in life.
The law didn’t just include the Ten Commandments, but more than six hundred other requirements. Obedience to all of them resulted in blessings; otherwise, curses resulted. Whoever kept the whole law, yet offended even in one point, was guilty of all. The law entered that the offense might abound.
Thankfully, Jesus, the game-changer and embodiment of God’s grace, came and perfectly fulfilled all the requirements. The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Jesus was the fulfillment of all God’s promises to mankind; as many as are the promises of God, they all find their “yes” in Christ.
We’ve been given exceedingly great and precious promises that allow us to partake of His divine nature. God’s covenant with us is now filled with promises instead of threats. Unlike the law with all its conditions, this new covenant is unconditional, because it’s based on what Jesus did and our faith in Him, not on our own efforts.
Unlike before we got saved, we no longer have to fear the future. We can approach life through the lens of God’s love for us. No matter what happens, God promises that all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This knowledge gives us victory.
God, You delivered us from the bondage of useless self-effort to the freedom in Your covenant of promise. We no longer need to struggle to perform; we can now simply believe in Your love. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Deuteronomy 28:1-3, 15
James 2:10
Romans 5:20
John 1:17
2 Corinthians 1:20, AMPC
2 Peter 1:4
Romans 8:28

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