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The Benefits of a Calm Disposition

By Creflo Dollar


Maintaining control over our emotions in the midst of a situation is another component of emotional maturity. Being emotionally mature doesn’t mean shutting down our feelings, but instead refusing to allow our emotions to dictate our response. Emotionally immature people fly off the handle when they get upset; by comparison, the ability to remain calm even when we’re angry allows us to be rational and decide how best to respond to an issue. Believers who study God’s Word in this area develop the spiritual fruit of calmness, distinguishing us from the rest of the world. When the enemy tries to scare us with the distractions of what’s going on around us, staying calm helps us hear God more clearly on our journey through life..

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How to Stay Resilient

By Creflo Dollar


Resilience is an integral part of our emotional maturity. To be resilient is to have the ability to bounce back, to withstand something difficult without caving in or quitting. If we don’t mature in our emotions, we become victims of them. An emotionally mature person acknowledges their feelings in the midst of stressful or painful circumstances, and assesses the situation to determine the proper course of action to respond to it. Believers have been given authority over their emotions; resilience therefore is a grace gift from God. It doesn’t come from our own inner strength, but from trusting in and relying on Him. Depending on God—not powering through something using determination or self-will—enables us not just to survive a bad situation, but to ultimately thrive in spite of it

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How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill the Will of God for Your Life

By Taffi Dollar


Knowing God’s will for our lives gives us focus and direction, but we don’t find it by accident; we must be intentional and deliberate in discovering this. Making a commitment in our hearts to do this allows Him to begin specifically guiding and directing us; He’ll never let it be a mystery. God wants illumination for us so that we can grasp and comprehend His will. Understanding comes sooner rather than later when we’re sensitive enough to His prompting to respond quickly; yielding ourselves to God allows Him to anoint us with our own unique assignment and calling..

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The God of Second Chances

By Taffi Dollar


In an environment that regularly rejects and disqualifies people, we can be thankful for God’s unconditional love and acceptance; despite our flaws and past mistakes, He’s always ready to give us another chance. Rahab, a prostitute, was an example of this; despite her past, God saved her from destruction and used her mightily. We all have a past, but it doesn’t disqualify us in God’s eyes. Our enemy wants to shame and condemn us because of what we’ve done; however, God is always willing to use us when we trust Him. No matter who we are or what our present circumstances are, having faith in Him allows Him to work through us, redefine us, and elevate us to new levels.

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Winning No Matter What

By Taffi Dollar


For the believer, life can seem like a string of constant battles that weigh us down spiritually; When we begin feeling like that, God provides us the opportunity to start over and begin again. He gives us the supernatural ability to win, regardless of what’s happening in the natural. He wants us to triumph; therefore, our victories are guaranteed. This is illustrated with David ’s victory in the fight against Goliath; like David, we are victorious when we trust in God and refuse to be afraid of others’ opinions. The pain and the temptation to cave in is real; however, our victory in Christ is even more real..

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From Condemnation to Grace

By Creflo Dollar


For us as Christians, the feeling of being condemned is the root of multiple issues we struggle with. Condemnation is responsible for fear; failure to understand this leads to stress, which brings physical and emotional illnesses and diseases. Mosaic Law was based on self-effort; each time we rely on our self-efforts to please God, we fail miserably and feel guilty because we’re reminded that we’re insufficient. The only one who can make us enough is Jesus Christ. He’s the one who frees us from the old covenant of the law and enables us to minister the new covenant of grace to others. We no longer have to rely on our performance to earn God’s approval; He already approves of us. Condemnation and judgment will never have the power to transform us for the better—only the love and compassion demonstrated by Jesus can do this.

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