Mon 24 February

Authority in the Emotional Realm

Emotions are one way God blesses us. They can make our lives meaningful and satisfying, but can also cause us problems if we lose emotional control. His grace has empowered us with authority over our feelings so that we don’t fall victim to them. When we feel angry or depressed, we can go on the offensive and maintain our authority in the emotional realm.

We’re not helpless when it comes to our feelings; we have a choice in the matter. Jesus, who successfully managed His own emotions, told His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled…” The phrase “Let not” indicates that we’re in control, not our feelings. When we find ourselves in a situation we don’t like, we must remember that we have the same authority as Christ.
God wants us to be able to rule over our emotions; He wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health, even as our souls prosper. Our souls are where our thoughts and feelings are located. To prosper is to be successful; therefore, the ability to successfully dominate our emotions gives us emotional prosperity.

What we think about affects our emotional outlook. Meditating on the spiritual things in God’s Word, instead of on the things of the world, brings us peace of mind. To be carnally-minded brings death, but to be spiritually-minded brings life and peace. The Words that God speaks to us are spirit and life.

As free moral agents, we can choose any emotion we want. However, God wants us to choose thoughts and feelings that benefit us and enhance our lives, not ones that lead to negativity and destruction. He sets before us life and death, blessing and cursing; He tells us to choose life, so that we and our descendants may live.

God spoke these words to us so that in Him we might have peace. He has already overcome the world. Aligning our emotions with His Word gives us the victory, as well.

God, our emotions can either lead us toward Your will, or away from it. Thank You for giving us Your Word concerning this and reminding us of the authority we have to control and harness them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

John 14:1
3 John 1:2
Romans 8:6
John 6:63
Deuteronomy 30:19, NKJV
John 16:33

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