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For the week of October 23, 2023 Our Healing Is Already Done

We can all remember the excited anticipation we felt as children when we learned our parents had a gift for us. All we needed to do was receive what they bought for us, with no need to work for it. Healing from our heavenly Father is the same way. The world tries to tarnish and fade the gift God has promised us, but perfect health and wholeness are real and simply waiting for us to receive them.

Healing is a finished work that Jesus purchased for us on the cross and we receive by faith. We’ve been healed by His stripes; just before He died, Jesus confirmed this with the statement, “It is finished.” This hasn’t changed over time. When the doctor gives us a bad report or shows us a disturbing X-ray, we must remember that we walk by faith, not by sight.

The truth about healing has changed from the old covenant of the law to the new covenant of grace. Before Jesus came, man had to ask God to be healed. The prophet Jeremiah confidently prayed for healing, but he had to ask for it first; when God answered Jeremiah, His “I will” phrase indicated that it was still in the future. By contrast, after Jesus’ death and resurrection, the health and wholeness promised us is already here.

God has already sent out His Word to heal us; He healed us when we cried out to Him for help. He then went a step further and gave us the same authority that He gave Jesus. We now possess the power to heal all manner of sickness and disease. With what we now have, there’s no need to tolerate health issues ever again.


God, Your will for us is perfect health, not sickness. Confidently believing this positions us to receive what Your Son made available to us on the cross. We’re thankful for what You’ve done. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Isaiah 53:5

1 Peter 2:24

John 19:30

2 Corinthians 5:7

Jeremiah 17:14

Jeremiah 30:17

Psalm 107:20

Psalm 30:2

Matthew 10:1

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