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For the week of February 19, 2024 Making the Decision to Change

Change of any kind may be scary to some people because of the fear of moving into the unknown. However, it’s nothing we need to fear. Change is necessary to avoid stagnating; it’s a part of life. When we identify things about us that need changing and we’re serious about our decision, God is ready to step in and help.

Every change begins with a decision; therefore, making a quality decision is important. It requires us to make a decisive dedication of our bodies—which includes our minds and mental faculties—to God and entrusting the process to Him. For any change to be successful, we must first re-align our thinking and renew our minds according to His Word. 

We can’t possibly change through our own efforts; we need the Holy Spirit for that. Studying and meditating on the Scriptures lets us begin to see Jesus more and more clearly. The Spirit removes the veil from our spiritual eyes so we can see clearly and reflect the glory of the Lord. As we continue to behold Him, we’re gradually changed into His image.

True transformation isn’t simply trying to be like someone else. It’s about submitting to God and letting Him bring out the individual, unique gifts and talents each of us has received. God wants to work through us to show His grace to others; He can best do that when we allow the Holy Spirit to point out the good things that have been placed in us. Our faith that God will transform us becomes effective when we acknowledge every good thing in us because of Christ Jesus.

Letting the Word guide us in our changes ensures that we have the proper motives. The Word is alive, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, and able to sift, analyze, and judge the thoughts and purposes of the heart. We can trust that God will bring out the best in us when we let His Spirit take the lead in this process. 


Lord, periodic changes keep us from becoming stuck in a static frame of mind. They help us to continue moving forward and making progress. Your Word empowers us to understand the process and embrace it joyfully. Thank You for this. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Romans 12:1, 2, AMPC

2 Corinthians 3:18, NLT

Philemon 1:6

Hebrews 4:12, AMPC

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