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For the week of June 17, 2024 Faith to Carry Us through Our Dry Seasons

Have you ever struggled with something and not seen positive results? Most of us have, and it can be a real test of faith to keep moving forward. When we encounter adversity, the enemy wants us to cave in and quit. We become spiritually dry when we stop trusting God during these seasons.

To succeed, we must understand how faith works. God gave us a measure of faith, and we’ve all received the same amount; the outcome of a situation has nothing to do with “strong faith” or “little faith.” What makes the difference is how we work that faith. Jesus had to explain this to His disciples when they asked Him to increase their faith.

Faith and grace are equally important; faith is simply our positive response to what grace has made available. Trusting God involves stepping out in faith, which is what Peter did when he walked on water to get to Jesus. Peter sank only when he stopped working his faith and became distracted and frightened by the situation around him. When trouble hits, the correct response is faith, not fear.

The devil wants us to take our faith off the field when we don’t see immediate results. God tells us to trust Him, regardless of what we see or don’t see. During his dry season, Abraham persevered in his faith until he saw God’s promises manifested. Abraham’s faith was strong not because he had more of it than others, but because he continued walking in it.

When God makes a promise, everything He says will come to pass; His Word will never return void. By grace we’re saved through faith. In other words, we can confidently trust in God’s promise of deliverance from whatever situation we’re in. Our faith in His favor toward us helps us get through the painful times and reach the place where He wants us to be. 


God, faith in what You tell us gets us through difficult times. When we consistently trust You, regardless of the circumstances, You’ll always bring us through. We’re thankful for that. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Romans 12:3, NKJV

Luke 17:5, 6

Matthew 14:27-31

Romans 4:19, 20

Isaiah 55:11

Ephesians 2:8

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