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For the week of March 22, 2021 Biblical Equality

We live in a world full of broken relationships. However, as believers, we can be thankful that we have an alternative to what we see around us. When God made Adam and Eve as equals and gave them equal dominion over the earth, they had perfect relationships with each other and with Him. When sin destroyed that special bond and the relationship between men and women became unequal, it took Jesus’ coming to restore gender equality.

What transpired in the garden of Eden resulted in men’s domination over women, and under the old covenant of the law, this was what life was like. However, what was true under the law is not true anymore under grace. Jesus came into a world that regarded women as inferior, but during His ministry, He deliberately and intentionally treated them as equals. 

When Jesus visited Mary and Martha’s house, He allowed Mary to sit at His feet—with the men—and learn from Him. He had a long talk with the ostracized Samaritan woman at the well, revealed His true identity to her, and showed her acceptance. He offered forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery. He also healed a woman of a bleeding disorder.

Jesus did all these things to make a point: men and women are equal in God’s eyes, and He shows no partiality. His ministry was a transition from old-covenant law to new-covenant grace, which His death and resurrection activated. By taking the sin that separated men and women onto Himself, He made both one and abolished the partition between the genders.

Our faith in Jesus is what makes us children of God; for born-again believers, there’s neither male nor female. God wants the best for us; therefore, we have a right to expect relationships filled with peace, joy, godly love, and respect. God’s favor makes this entirely possible. 


Lord, You made it clear through Your Son that inequalities are not Your will. Only in You do we find equality and the freedom to be who You called us to be, no matter who we are. Thank You for what You did. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


Genesis 1:26-28

Genesis 3:16

Luke 10:38-42

John 4:5-29

John 8:3-11

Matthew 9:20-22

Mark 5:25-34

Luke 8:43-48

Acts 10:34, NKJV

Galatians 3:26-28

Archived meditations

Life on the Heavenly Plane

By Creflo Dollar

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