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Crazy Expectations (Part 2)

By Taffi Dollar


God wants to bless us in all areas of our lives. He wants us to experience His best; however, some things that we do, such as finding fault with others, block those blessings. The root of fault-finding is blame, which is defined as avoiding taking responsibility for our actions. Faultfinders focus only on the small details but do not see the big picture; they reject people for not doing everything according to their expectations. During Jesus’ ministry, there were plenty of people willing to criticize Him for what He did; we must take care not to fall into this category..

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Crazy Expectations

By Taffi Dollar


Wanting to do the right thing is a normal part of being human; however, sometimes what others expect of us, and even what we expect of ourselves, can cause undue pressure and stress in our lives. If we’re not careful, we can get caught up in ceaseless religious striving and efforts to measure up to others’ expectations (which traps us in pride). Falling prey to this mindset causes feelings of guilt, shame, and condemnation that God wants us to avoid. Trying to meet the world’s expectations can leave us exhausted and overwhelmed; we only find the rest and the peace God wants for us by moving away from rule-keeping and receiving, by faith, the good things He wants to bless us with..

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Crazy Demands

By Taffi Dollar


In the distracting environment we live in, positioning ourselves to hear from God is not always easy. Sometimes we can have busy hearts that keep us from experiencing His best for us. We must take care that the busyness of our loaded schedules does not reflect busyness in our hearts. To remain focused on God, we must base our identity not in what we do, but in what He says about us; getting too wrapped up in our own activities only drives a wedge between us and Him. We make a mistake when we get busy trying to please people, control others, or do what God has not called us to do. Our inner motives matter; they control the direction of our lives. We stay safe when we do only what God tells us to do, and nothing more.

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How to be Motivated by God

By Creflo Dollar


The covenant of grace has made a relationship with God possible for every believer. This is not the same as simply following religious protocol. There is a difference between devotion and love for Christ, versus service and work for Christ. They are both important, and we must strike a balance between the two. Serving others is definitely something we should do; however, we cannot do so with the right motives unless we first have a personal relationship with, and a love for, Jesus. As important as good works are, devotion to Christ is more important. Regardless of how admirable something looks on the surface, our works will not matter to God unless Jesus is the motivation behind them..

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Godly Living Obtained by the Power of God (Part 2)

By Creflo Dollar


It is impossible to live in a way that pleases God without yielding to Him as instruments for Him to use; godly living is a result of submitting to and trusting Him. Although salvation is of God, it is specifically through Jesus Christ. Our own efforts to be good and to do the morally right things, independent from Jesus, will not succeed. Placing our faith in Him does not take away the problems we encounter in life, but does allow Him to deliver us and give us victory over them. We cannot overcome the evil we encounter in the world—and in ourselves—through self-effort, but only through Christ, who lives inside every born-again believer. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit; depending on Him is the key to experiencing success in life. Relying on the Spirit when we feel our old sinful natures trying to re-assert themselves is how we live godly lives..

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Godly Living Obtained by the Power of God

By Creflo Dollar


We all want to live godly, but this is impossible through our own efforts; we keep bumping into our own sinful selves. Salvation from the penalty of sin is the work of God, alone; we cannot save ourselves. Our belief in Him, without any of our own performance, is all that is necessary for our redemption and justification. This means that we do not have to strive to achieve the kind of high moral living God expects, but simply yield to Him and let Him do His work. Living this kind of life requires that we depend on Him, which is the exact opposite of what religion tells us. No matter what happens in life, we can trust God to watch over us and take care of us. Depending on Him to work through us allows Him to use us as His vessels to do great things, with marvelous results.

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