GraceLife Conference 2023 Women’s Session - Mimi Haddad

Jan. 31, 2024 | By Mimi Haddad


Women have been created in God’s image to do great things in a hurting world, and we must fan into flame the spiritual gifts that we have. We live in a male-oriented world, but the entire Bible is filled with women who provided extraordinary examples of leadership. Some of the women who refused to fit into a predetermined mold included Esther, Ruth, Miriam, Deborah, Rahab, Mary Magdalene, Priscilla, and Lydia. Jesus had to come to earth to restore the gender equality that sin destroyed. Women were among the believers who received the Holy Spirit during the first Pentecost. We must read the Bible carefully and in the proper context so as not to misinterpret what God says about women.

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GraceLife Conference 2023 Women’s Session - Mimi Haddad

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