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The Debt That Delivers from All Debt

By Creflo Dollar


God’s view concerning debt is all-inclusive. It’s true that He expects us to avoid excessive borrowing and promptly pay back those we owe money to; however, it goes deeper than that. Jesus went to the cross to cancel not just our financial obligations, but also the debt that we owed for our sins. In His eyes, the debt that we now owe is one of respect, honor, and love to others. Putting the debt of love as our first priority causes supernational debt cancellation in all other areas of our lives.

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2023 GraceLife Conference (Session 9)

By Creflo Dollar


We’re living in the age of grace; despite that, however, our environment still has pervasive law- based teachings that lead to toxic masculinity. Men are subjected to immense pressure to conform to rules contradictory to who God says they are; the “man law” that the world pushes at us prevents us from accepting responsibility for our actions and creates fear of showing others our authentic selves. Thankfully, we have Jesus Christ as the perfect model of manhood to follow; connecting with God—our source and the One who made us—provides us with its true definition.

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2023 GraceLife Conference (Session 1)

By Creflo Dollar


Without a proper understanding of God’s Word and how to apply it, we make the mistake of thinking that He contradicts Himself. One example is the difference between a believer’s stance in Christ and his state. Our stance before God as righteous and holy was settled when we accepted Jesus Christ; however, our state refers to the lifelong process of God continually working within us during our journey. We aren’t what we do; God has already declared us His children, regardless of our behavior. God chose us as His beloved even before the foundation of the earth, and our state can never change our stance; this is something to thank and praise Him for.

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Overcoming Approval Addiction

By Creflo Dollar


Addictions to anything are very dangerous and destructive. This includes being addicted to others’ approval. It is a huge mistake to determine our value and sense of self-worth by what other people think of us. The craving for others’ validation and the fear of rejection can destroy our mental health, cause us to focus on the wrong things, and actually derail God’s call on our lives. This kind of fear puts us in bondage to people. Living to please others, instead of God, steals our peace and our relationship with Him. By contrast, living for an audience of one—God— pleases Him, gives us eternal peace, and allows us to carry out His plan for us.

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Satan’s Plot to Steal to Steal Your Trust

By Creflo Dollar


In these last days, Satan is battling for our hearts and our faith. He has been working hard to undermine God and build a foundation of deception to make us spiritually blind; the last thing he wants is for us to live under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The enemy works through the spirit of mammon attached to money; he lies to us and tells us he can give us things that only God can give us. His plan is to get us to rely on money more than on God. Mammon hates generosity and giving, especially with our finances; we defeat this evil spirit by giving to show that we trust in God enough to give without fear of lack. Despite what mammon tells us, we can depend on God, who will take care of us and never leave us. Genuine success and prosperity on every level come only from making God our source.

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The End Times Prophecy Concerning the United States

By Creflo Dollar


The Bible tells us to depend on God as our source. This has always been true; it is especially so right now, as the prophecies Jesus made concerning what will happen globally in these last days are coming to pass. Depending on God cannot be simply lip service anymore; our trust must be genuine. Never has our faith in Him been so important as in this time when so many people have chosen idols, such as money, for themselves. This is due to the prevalence of the spirit of mammon in the world, especially in America. As worldly systems continue to break down, world leaders prove untrustworthy, and fear increases, God will be the only One we will be able to rely on. When all earthly resources dry up and disappear, Christians will always have more than enough when we believe that God will provide everything we need.

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